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Just dance!

Type: Tanzkurse
Place of course
Subscription prices
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As a teenager, Katharina discovered her passion for dancing. She received the first lessons in jazz dance. Later I learned tilting dance, standard dance, ballet, modern and hip hop/street dance. To this day, she regularly trains in the urban dance styles.

In 2014 she decided to make the enthusiasm for dance a profession and successfully completed the training as a "dipl. Dance teacher" at the MAtchless Dance GmbH away. She started teaching during the training and specialized in the urban dance styles.

After various dancing training, 2018 took place Another step in Katharina's dance career: she opened her own dance studio in Thalwil! In addition to the hip hop/street dance dance lessons, it offers dance fitness, children's birthdays, private lessons and workshops.

Course location: Sonnenbergstrasse 12e, 8800 Thalwil

Further information:

  • 20% discount for family members
  • SWICA insured persons benefit from an attractive cost sharing to subscription to dance studios that are a member of the Swiss dance association.

The prices for the subscriptions and courses on our
The platform are without guarantee.

For more detailed information on the various subscription options and the associated costs, we ask you to visit the partner's website or to inform you by phone.

Hersteller/Anbieter: Just dance